Session Six: Your Restoration Restores Others

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Session Six

Friends, Welcome to the final week of the study! As we dive into this sixth and last chapter of Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia, we'll look at Paul's warning of the pride and deception that can come whenever we compare ourselves to others, and how to break free from these comparisons. We'll also examine our inner motivations, and that our "boasting" (praise) should be to God for the sacrifice of Jesus. Be sure to stick around for the discussion at the end of this week's video and respond to some of these questions:

- How has your understanding of the freedom found in Christ changed since starting this study?

- What does it look like for you to live out this liberating acceptance in everyday life?

- How would you sum up the book of Galatians in a few words

- What’s the most beautiful aspect of Galatians to you?

- What’s the biggest discovery you’re taking away from this Beautiful Word study?

- How will you live your life differently because of this discovery?

  • Memory Verse of the Week:
    Galatians 6:1-2
  • This Week's Personal Study:

    DAY 1: Galatians 6:1-10
    DAY 2: Galatians 6:11-18
    DAY 3: Review & Reflect
  • Next Week:
    Catch-up Week!

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