Equip your church and small groups ministry with the ultimate leader training!

This month only during Small Groups September, Study Gateway is giving away FREE lifetime access to the complete set of Bill Donahue’s small groups video courses—18 sessions in all!

Enter access code: DQ4HM3CFF2GN

Once you have redeemed your code and set up your Study Gateway password, you get immediate access to the three courses.

Who needs this?

Your pastor
Your small group leader
Your church's small groups ministry director
Anyone involved in leadership of small groups ministries!

You can redeem these courses for yourself and you can share this page with anyone you know who would benefit from these courses.

You can redeem these courses for yourself and you can share this page with anyone you know who would benefit from these courses.

Why do you need this course?

To create and sustain a healthy small groups ministry!

"Through my 30+ years of working with churches to help them build group ministries, I have seen pastors and ministry leaders who want more than anything to connect their people in community for discipleship, but either they don’t know how to start, or they’re getting stuck at a roadblock, or they have plateaued and don’t know how to grow. So, I developed these three courses to give church leaders the building blocks for creating and sustaining a healthy small group ministry.” 

Dr. Bill Donahue

Bill has dedicated his career to developing high performance teams and uncovering practices that produce transformational leaders. He is the author of Leading Life-Changing Small Groups, Building a Life-Changing Small Group ministry with Russ Robinson, and Coaching Life-Changing Leaders with Greg Bowman.

Enter access code: DQ4HM3CFF2G

What you get

Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry

This first course helps group pastors and ministry leaders navigate some of their most common challenges on the path to building a small group ministry, such as how to recruit leaders when nobody steps up, creative ways to connect people to groups, a complete leader training strategy, and how to give leaders the ongoing support they need by building a coaching structure.

(Value $99.99)

Leading Life Changing Small Groups

Recruiting group leaders is a great first step. But likely they will feel inadequate and unprepared to effectively lead a small group. Have your leaders watch this course; I will address their fears and build their confidence by teaching them the core skills they need. They’ll learn how to lead an effective meeting, guide people to grow spiritually, support folks who are in pain and need prayer, and create a welcoming community for new members to join.

(Value $99.99)

Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders

Every leader needs a coach. I know I do! A coach provides encouragement, support and resources, and fresh ideas for group leaders. But coaches need training too! This course teaches coaches the nine essential coaching conversations they need to have with group leaders to be their sounding board and shepherd and help leaders sharpen their leadership skills.

(Value $99.99)

Our gift to you!

These courses are our gift to you and everyone at your church involved in small group ministries, to celebrate International Groups Day and Small Groups September at Study Gateway. Claim your free access to these courses today and get started on building a life-changing small group ministry!

Enter access code: DQ4HM3CFF2G



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