How Will You Answer God’s Call On Your Life?

More college grads are leaving the church now more than any other time in history? Will you…or your son or daughter be one of them? Your Study Gateway Library features a collection of video studies that will inspire and challenge you or the young people in your life to: The NEXT Christians – How To Live The Gospel And Restore The World In his six-session Bible study series, Gabe Lyons cites modern day examples and looks ahead over the next century to how Christians can adapt to a new way of living their faith and features interviews with notable thinkers and leader such as Tim Keller, Andy Crouch, Scot McKnight, Phyllis Tickle and Jon Tyson. The Next Christians study takes into account recent efforts at Christian renewal, addressing the significant challenges that could undermine the viability of Christianity if the faithful do not employ a completely new outlook. Lyons looks ahead at how Christianity can and must adapt over the next 100 years, as he optimistically paints a picture of how it’s best days might lay ahead as a new generation rediscovers their faith in this unprecedented new era in the West. They Like Jesus But Not The Church – Insights From Emerging Generations They Like Jesus but Not the Church is a six-session, video-based study by Dan Kimball that explores six of the most common objections and misunderstandings emerging generations have about the church and Christianity. The objections come from conversations and interviews the church has had with unchurched twenty and thirty-somethings at coffee houses. Each chapter raises the objection using a conversational approach, provides the biblical answers to that objection, gives examples of how churches are addressing the issue, and concludes with follow-through suggestions, discussion questions, and resource listings. Jesus Is________ – Find A New Way To Be Human Judah Smith digs deep to answer the most common and the most difficult questions about Jesus, a man so few understand and so many desperately need. In Jesus Is, Judah Smith explores a number of topics that reveal Jesus’ purpose for coming, what He accomplished while He was here, and what that means for us. Jesus is greatly revered, harshly criticized, and sorely misunderstood. Judah breaks down who Jesus is and explains to readers how understanding Jesus more fully will not only enrich their lives, but also give them meaning, as well as save them. The 8-week Jesus Is Video-Based Study will help participants discover how to have a deeper, lasting relationship with Jesus, and to commune with and grow in Him. Judah will show you that Jesus is more than a good teacher, more than an inspiring leader. He is the point of all life. Perfect for evangelism, the video sessions will help new Christians understand the person of Jesus, as well as help small group participants connect with one another. Learn Discuss Apply Grow   The accompanying Participant’s Study Guides will help you apply what you learn and provide meaningful questions to spark discussion and greater enrichment. Buy Now Button