Study Gateway Open FAQs

  • How do I watch videos on Study Gateway?

  • I get "60+ first sessions"? What does that mean?

    You have signed up for an account on Study Gateway that unlocks Session One for more than sixty Bible study series in the library! Plus, we give you two complete studies on marriage – The Marriage Course, and The Pre-Marriage Course. You now have permanent access to watch this collection of full sessions on Study Gateway. 

  • It's great that I get to watch Session One. But, what if I want to watch the rest of the series?

    If you wish to watch a full series, you can do so by signing up for a subscription. All subscription plans start with a 7-day free trial. 


  • Help! I got an error message: "This email has already been taken."

    This message appears when you are trying to sign up but you already have a Study Gateway account. Instead of signing up, you can simply login to your account at*

    *Can’t remember your password? Go to LOG IN and click Forgot Your Password? 

  • Help! It's telling me I need to subscribe. I thought Study Gateway Open was free!

    You’re right! Study Gateway Open is free. If you find yourself in a signup page by accident, simply back out and log into your account. But, if you wish to watch beyond the first session, you can sign up for unlimited access with any paid subscription. 

  • Help! I'm trying to log in, and I got an error message: "These credentials do not match our records."

    You have entered either an email address or a password that is different from what is on your account. If you can’t recall how you logged in before, click Forgot Your Password?

  • What communication can I expect to receive? I don't want to be inundated with emails.

    Now that you have signed up for a Study Gateway Open account, you will be receiving emails with helpful how-tos and tips, and features of our most popular studies and authors. Be on the lookout for special offers that give you the best deals on a subscription.

Any other questions?  Contact our helpful Customer Support Team
Monday through Friday - 8am to 5pm EST - 800-727-3480
or submit your question online.