Welcome to the Online Bible Study with Margaret Feinberg!
Taste and See
Online Bible Study with Margaret Feinberg
Welcome toTaste and See Online Bible Study at Study Gateway! You will want to come back to this page each week as each video session becomes available starting January 21. You can go ahead and start watching session one right away, and the session two video will be available January 28.
You’re invited on a delectable pilgrimage to discover the secret to savoring every day.
The Psalmist declared, "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps 34:8), so Margaret Feinberg, one of America's most beloved Bible teachers, decided to take the invitation literally.
She embarked on a global culinary and spiritual adventure descending 410 feet into a salt mine, baking fresh matzo at Yale University, harvesting olives off the Croatian coast, and tasting succulent figs at a premier farm—all to discover the truth in such a simple verse.
With each person she encountered, she asked, "How do you read the Scripture in light of what you do every day?"
Their answers will change the way you read the Bible forever… and the way you approach every meal.
"This is a journey that changed my life, my faith, my future," she writes. "It moved me from fear and uncertainty to discover a renewed, vibrant faith again—and I believe it will do the same for you."
With her delightful curiosity and whimsical humor, you'll learn to:
Overcome awkwardness and nurture deeper connections around any table.
Rise above uncertainty knowing what's divinely planted to carry you through.
Learn how you were uniquely created to help others flourish.
Unlock the satisfying and fruitful life you've been created for.
Join Margaret in this deeply nourishing six-week video Bible study sprinkled with delicious recipes and tangible insights. After all, it's at the table where we learn to taste and see the goodness of God.
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